We're still in the first month of our new rental. Things are progressing nicely. Although there has been a high amount of stress getting all the responsibilities met, Sarah and I feel very blessed. I've got the room to work on my Mustang (got new battery in her, running fine, going to replace serpentine belt today). We've got an oven that sits level on the floor and heats quickly and evenly (also has a self-clean mode we can use to recondition all our cast iron, soooo excited about this). The Central Heat/Air has been keeping the house nice and cool despite the heat wave.
We still have some setting up to do on the Music Room and Dining Room. We also have all the "extra" stuff in the basement to sort. Sometime in the near future I'll have to get my Electronics Lab created in the Basement, so I can get back to programming and making cool stuffs with Arduino.
God is Good. My wife is Awesome. The Woody's are doing well.